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The Simpsons Road Rage is a 2001 video game.


Ralph: The mean kids flushed my sandwich down the toilet. Can you get me to other food?

Moe: Newsflash you suck!

Moe: Thanks for nothing pal next time I'll walk.

Lisa: Hey Millhouse need a lift?

Millhouse: Ahh ahh Do you have a saint for the harvest stance? hah do you? hah do you? [laughs]

Bart: Hey Ralph hop in.

Ralph: My daddy drives a police car and the siren goes wee wee wee wee.

Bart: What's up Ralph?

Ralph: I tied my shoes together and fell down three times.

Chief Wiggum: Hey the law says you're not supposed to drive that fast but ahh what the heck.

Chief Wiggum: You sure do know how to speed.


Lisa: Millhouse I'll give you a lift but that's all it is. Okay?

Millhouse: But I want to be your boyfriend.


Chief Wiggum: Hurry up I won't give you a ticket,Come on come on I'm going to be late for a beating.

Simpsons Road Rage Quotes

Simpsons Road Rage Quotes Funny

Grandpa: Look where you're goin', ya idiot!

Simpsons Road Rage Game

Barney: NOOOOOOOO! Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!!!!

Homer: Nooooooooooooo!

Homer: D'oh! Sad clown. Why torment me so?

Simpsons Road Rage Quotes And Quotes

External links

Simpsons Road Rage Quotes Images

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